Australian Nosebands, also known as nosebands Rubber Cheeker are traditional nosebands for horses that hold the bridle tight in the horse's snout. The noseband is placed about four inches above the horse's nostrils. The primary function of these bands for horses is the subjection and control of the animal, attached to the bridle by the side straps.
Noseband Horse is also used to prevent the horse from passing its tongue over the snaffle to avoid its action, and it is used mainly for racehorses. The noseband is a part of the working bridle. The movement should not obstruct the passage of air for the horse or squeeze it. It is just a support for the bridle. It is held by the straps that come out of the head of the riding saddle and goes inside the straps that hold the fillet so as not to block it and leave it free.
- Nosebands Rubber Cheeker is ideal, both with the saddle and where and how it rests.
- The Australian noseband exerts a slight pressure on the snout and prevents the horse from opening its mouth excessively while riding.
- The Australian noseband wraps around the bottom of the horse's head and is tied at the back, at the buckle on the curb.
- Australian noseband comes with a leather strap and stainless steel buckle.
- Bands for horses are made with extra rubber and are very resistant.
- Nosebands for horses depend on your tastes and what works best for your horse.
Types of nosebands for horses:
There are different types of Noseband Cover Horses. Usually, the nosebands have a hook for a mouth closure, but if they do not have one, you should make sure if you will need it in the future.
English Noseband
It is the simplest. It is placed on the bridle and consists of a strap that we adjust with buckles.
German Noseband
The German noseband is placed below the snaffle. In this way, it prevents the horse from refusing it by constantly chewing on it and also prevents it from opening its mouth. It also helps us control that the horse does not raise its head. By exerting pressure in a lower area, it gives us greater control.
Irish Noseband
It is an English noseband to which we add an extra strap called a mouthguard. This joins the noseband in its central part and surrounds the horse's mouth below the snaffle. In this way, it exerts more support and prevents opening its mouth in excess.